The Men of the 2nd Infantry Division Living History Association gathered at Ft. Atkinson State Historical Park on Saturday, April 6 for our annual Spring Muster Day. In attendance were Dave, Jeff, Eric, Kevin, Tyler, Avery (our newest member) and our pal Casey on loan from the 502nd Parachute Infantry. The weather was overcast for most of the morning and rather cool with some light rain off and on. Up at the fort's parade ground we covered everything from facings, marching and saluting to rifle drill and the manual of arms. After a little administrative meeting, we headed down into the valley east of the fort for some field training. We went over field formations, use of hand signals, and how to tackle linear obstacles. It was a awesome day and a great chance to get out and knock some of the winter rust off. Our group has a pretty exciting spring and summer itinerary lined up so watch for more posts to come.
The guys hanging out along the north wall of the fort. |
Kevin gives some helpful instruction on dealing with linear obstacles. |
Where's Casey? Between the tall grasses and the trees, a soldier can be
pretty hard to spot sometimes. |
Jeff on the lookout for any Krauts in the area. |
Another self portrait from arms length away. Guess I should have smiled! |
One little, two little, three little Indianheads... |
So awesome to get out in the field! |
Our group after our field training. Ready to march back up to the fort. |