The men of the 2nd I.D. Living History Association assembled once again for our annual Independence Day parade on Saturday, July 4th in Ralston, Nebraska. Making it out for this year's parade were Sean, Jeff, Cody, Kevin and his son Tyler, Paul and his son Nick, and our favorite ole' Sarge, Will Green, who was back on a visit from Colorado where he is stationed at Shriver Air Force Base. This year we marched as a color guard and were the third entry from the front of the parade. The skies were overcast and there was a little rain spitting off and on, but the crowd seemed to be bigger than ever! On the first block of the parade route I was actually overwhelmed by the sheer number of spectators. After our group finished the parade I walked back down the parade route and met up with Tracy and the kids who were hanging out with the Bruce family. I got to watch quite a bit of the parade which was still rolling on by. It was a great event once again and really made me proud to be doing what I do with this hobby.
Some of the photographs used in this post are courtesy of Robert Bruce, a very talented co-worker and friend of mine.