So at our unit meeting last Sunday we started talking about t-shirts and the fact that our group needs an official unit shirt. We decided long ago that we would come up with a design featuring a 2nd Division photo on the front and a listing of all the cities and towns that the 2nd liberated or went through during World War II on the back. Think of it as a rock group tour shirt except for the army. Then I brought up the idea that we should do something that would be authentic for the World War II soldier to wear as well, to be worn under our uniforms when training or in the field. A lot of you may have seen a famous t-shirt design that the Airborne troops wore during the war featuring an open parachute and the words "U.S. Paratroops - Ft.Benning, Ga." Well, I commented that maybe we could do something with Camp McCoy, Wisconsin seeing as how the 2nd did a lot of their training there. Will Green google searched it to see if anything would come up and "BAM" there it was! This is a photo of Ray Nosaka at Camp McCoy sometime in 1942 with the verbage and design we were looking for.

Being a graphic designer, I said I could pretty much replicate the design and we could make a batch of them for our unit. So here it is folks! I may have to tweak a few minor things, but I think the finished product should look pretty similar to this. The first photo here is the artwork that I developed and the second photo shows what the design should look like on a plain white 1940's style t-shirt. This particular shirt is sold by At The Front for $15. You can check them out here: