As we approach the 66th anniversary of "Operation Overlord" and the D-Day invasion of northern France, I thought I would post an inspiring little collection of photos showing the 2nd Infantry Division during their first few days after the invasion. Be sure to click on each individual photo to see the full sized version. Some of these are amazing in the little details they reveal. The first photo shows a line of 2nd Division soldiers advancing towards Omaha Beach probably sometime on D+1. Note the Indianhead patch on the first and third soldiers from the left.

Here we see a mixed group of both Army and Navy Beach Battalion personnel on Omaha Beach. Look for the Indianhead patches on several of the soldiers' left sleeves.

This is probably the most famous photo of the 2nd Division in World War II as they climb up the bluff overlooking Omaha Beach. Just look at all those men!

This photo show a group of 2nd Division soldiers marching through a town shortly after D-Day. Most of the men are wearing HBTs and still have their gas detection brassards on their right sleeve.

Pfc. Rocco Festa of the 2nd Division Headquarters and Military Police Company works on his French as he waits for a landing craft on June 15th.

A 2nd Division Engineer marks a clearing through a French town in ruins.

A group of 2nd Division medics hook an injured soldier up for a blood transfusion. Notice the small Indianhead insignias on the front of their helmets.

A group photo of the G-3 section somewhere in the hedgerows of Normandy.

A 2nd Division soldier examines a knocked-out tank along the side of the road.