The men of the 2nd Division Living History Association joined forces with HQ Company, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment for a tactical battle on Saturday, June 5th just north of Mondamin, Iowa. The weather and foliage was perfect for an early June Normandy-themed event. The overall turnout for the battle was kind of small, but it was a great experience nevertheless. The 2nd I.D. saw Steve, Gus, Sean, Kevin, Tyler, Dave, myself and Matt Hazard returning to battle the Germans. It was Steve's first event fighting with us as a G.I. and it was Hazard's first event back since his early retirement. We also got a chance to catch up with Rick Tupper and Casey Sill, both formerly of our unit as well as Mike and Chris Dankert who we have known for quite some time as well. The photos have been changed over to black and white with a grainy filter added. The authenticity level was so good for this event that you might think you're seeing photos from the Normandy bocage country sixty-six years ago. Enjoy!!!

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