The men of the 2nd I.D. LHA gathered together on Saturday, June 25 for a training and live-fire event. The day started at the Strategic Air & Space Museum where we held an administrative meeting inside the C-47 and also toured the inside of the B-29 currently under restoration. Present were Dave, Jeff, Matt, Eric #1, Erik #2, Will, and Steve. After our meeting we headed out to "The Pit" which is some really great land that Jeff has been able to use in the past for shooting. We took some really great photos all decked out in our U.S. Army camouflage HBTs and found that we blended in with the summer foliage quite well! The terrain really made me feel like I was somewhere in Normandy. We spent a few hours shooting M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, Thompson Sub Machine Guns, Colt M1911s, 1903 Springfields and a plethora of other weapons. It was AWESOME!!!! We had a few K-rations to fight off our mid-day hunger and then did some close order drill. So enjoy a few of the photos that I took and I will post more photos from Dave and Jeff as they become available.

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